First hosted in the winter of 1996 in Spokane, Washington by Kimberly Skok, née Charvet, and Rylee O’Brien, Señor Froggy was created as an opportunity to gather a diverse group of friends in an awkwardly small location for a three course meal experience.

All in honor of a dead frog.

Over the course of the next eighteen years 15 more Señor Froggy dinners were hosted in Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon.

Bringing an ecclectic group of randos, wisecrackers, neerdowells, and smarty pants together to break bread, raise a glass (or six), and enjoy an evening of companionship and frivolity.

Millions of laughs. Thousands of bottles of wine. Hundreds of attendees. Dozens of toasts. Two introductions that led to marriages, and one proposal with an impromptu ring made of a gummy frog and pipe cleaners.

It was a wild ride.

Originally retired in 2014, Rylee, and her very patient husband, Corey Branstrom continued to host offshoot Tadpole Dinners for much smaller guest lists.

During the global pandemic, when the need for human connection was at the highest, talk of bringing back a Señor Froggy experience began. And over the past four years that idea formulated into … The Resurrection.

We hope you will come join us in Portland this summer for an evening of celebration and connection … and wine.

Lots and lots of wine.